I would say that a dedicated piece of hardware is worth it, if only because it unlocks the power that is the 'Execute' window!! Take any object, from anywhere on the desk, and be able to add it to a single combined window of buttons or faders on the touchscreen! So very very powerful, and makes mapping a very complex patch into something very straightforward an absolute dream. 'Flexible' I think is the right - you may struggle getting midi gear working with MQ. Some of the ways I'll be having a go at myself, but I (think) I also passed on some of my stuff to him, which he can make use of in the future too. It was interesting working with Matt Monkeypuzzle at a fest this year, as he uses his in quite different ways to me. The nice thing is that there is really no 'wrong' way to use it though. I tend to find one way and stick with that ) IMHO its weakness (if you want to call it a weakness) is that there are so many ways of using it that a new user can just freeze with the number of options. I also have an Enttec dongle that allows you to output DMX from MagicQ and we could doubtless chuck that into the equation somehow so that you can compare the two systems in real world conditions. I would be more than happy to sort you out with some sort of sale or return deal so you could give it a go for real. Whatever, it wasn't serious enough to persuade me to bin it so I am guessing it is usable to some extent or repairable. I would be looking for £600 for the dongle and BCF and will chuck in a touch screen monitor though there is something wrong with the monitor but I can't remember what it is. LJ also has the visualiser which Chamsys doesn't. The ChamsysPC wing I use cost me about £1500 and doesn't have motorised faders. A better solution than Martin's Fingers because of the motorised faders as much as anything else, though the price difference is substantial as well.

It is the USB universal dongle with 2 x dmx input/outputs but pre one-key if that matters. I also have a Behringer BCF2000 which can be used as a desk with the use of Markus's FaderS software. I have outgrown it now and moved on to MagicQ so I am a bit out of touch with developments. One problem with LJ is the limit of 100 fixtures.