1st gen m audio fast track usb osx drivers
1st gen m audio fast track usb osx drivers

1st gen m audio fast track usb osx drivers 1st gen m audio fast track usb osx drivers

If they don't and all is well, i doubt I will have the need for a long time. Will I upgrade in the future?, depends on how long this lasts and if my requirements change. But not all systems are made equal and different interfaces will work better with certain systems and chipsets. Like i said previously, you often only hear the bad things about interfaces on the forums, little of the good as those who often using them are to busy writing and recording to be posting. Had to do the usual stuff to get the usb set up to make sure it didn't power down when idle or in use but since updating the drivers and now getting chance to get back into it. I'm not going to say it has been plain sailing as I migrated to the 8r from one pc to another which meant also from xp to w764.

1st gen m audio fast track usb osx drivers 1st gen m audio fast track usb osx drivers

I've not tried or tested the differences between the ultra and 8r so can only say that i've not had any issues getting a decent level and the led's on the ultra8r are pretty reliable. If you need more pres later you just sell it and upgrade, or use aggregate devices through Protools 9, to use two interfaces at once. I'd buy what you need to do what you need to now. And if you've got a pianist or a guitarist in stereo who wants to do vocals at the same time, room mics are out. That said, I'd prefer not to record drums with less than 8, though it's definitely doable. I usually record stereo guitar with stereo room mics, then my vocals with stereo room mics. I do guitar/vocals and the occasional piano, and 4 pres has been perfect for me. If you don't know the answer to that question yet, you probably shouldn't spend too much on your gear before you know what you need. can anyone tell me if the ultra 8r is more reliable? Also, I can't tell, is the body made completely of metal? And other than drum tracking, can someone give me an example of when you might use more than 4 mics? ThanksIt's prettier looking, but from what I've gathered it's the same thing with more pres. Well I've been looking around at different interfaces.

1st gen m audio fast track usb osx drivers